Youth & Companies SAS (“the Company”)
Head office: 60 rue François 1er, 75008 Paris, France
Company type: Société par actions simplifiée (SAS)
Registered capital: 10 090 Euros
Trade and Companies Register: Paris under the n° B 750 029 373
VAT No: FR 83750029373
Publishing director: Jordan McGuire
Phone number: (+33) 1 40 26 50 39
Youth & Companies is a subsidiary of Medix, whose principal place of business is at 222 South Riverside Plaza Suite 2120 Chicago, IL 60606 United States
Amazon Web Services (Frankfurt)
The purpose of these Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as the “T&Us”) is to define the terms and conditions relating to the use of the website (hereinafter referred to as the “Site”) and any content, functionality and services available on the Site (hereinafter referred to as the “Services”).
The T&Us apply to every user of the Site, registered or unregistered, companies or individuals, consulting, having attempted to consult or having consulted any element of the Site and/or having attempted to access or having accessed any Services (hereinafter referred to as the “Users”).
The use of the Site and the Services are governed by the following contractual documents, which are listed in decreasing order of priority:
The present T&Us
The Terms and Conditions of Services
The Data Protection Policy
The Cookies Policy
In the event of any contradiction between these contractual documents, the provisions of the higher-ranking document shall prevail.
Acceptance of the T&Us shall be indicated through checking a checkbox in the registration form.
Any User who does not accept to be bound by the provisions of the T&Us must not access the Site or use the Services.
By clicking “I accept”, the User commits to respect all of the provisions of the present T&Us.
The Company hereby reserves the right to amend the T&Us at any time and at its sole discretion. The User will be informed by all means of these amendments through any pertinent channel.
Access to the Site does not need registration. However, to be able to use the Services, Users must register on the Site by completing the registration form.
By completing the registration form, Users guarantee the Company they have provided exact, truthful, current and complete information concerning their identity, professional activity and personal data. They specifically commit to provide a valid and personal electronic address. If the Users are not acting on their own behalf, they guarantee the Company they are acting on behalf of a physical or moral person who meets the above conditions, whom they legally represent or from whom they have been granted an explicit mandate to enter into an agreement with the Company.
Registration entails the opening of an account giving Clients access to their own personal space (hereinafter referred to as the “Personal Space“) which enables them to use the Services. Users may, at any time, modify their personal data and then update their Personal Space.
The Company reserves the right to suspend or terminate the Users’ account, without prior notice, and to refuse them future access to all or part of the Service, in case of false, improper, expired or incomplete data.
Under no circumstance shall the Company be held liable by users or third parties for any error, omission, or inexactness which may arise in the information provided by a User.
The login and password chosen by the User at the time of the registration allows access to the Service. This data is personal and confidential.
The User is solely liable for any use which might be made of his/her login and password and their confidentiality. In case of loss, theft or any fraudulent use of its login and password, the User must immediately inform the Company by email:
Each User is solely responsible for the use of the Site and the Services made under his/her identification. Any connection or transmission of data made using the Identifiers will be deemed to have been carried out by the User and under his exclusive responsibility. Consequently, the Company cannot be held liable for the fraudulent use of User's login and password by any third party.
Users shall refrain from committing acts of whatever nature, such as the issue, publication, uploading or distribution of data and/or contents which are against the law, violate the public order, or the rights of the Company or of third parties.
In particular, Users shall abide by the Site’s rules, which include but are not limited to the following obligations.
The Users shall:
Abide by applicable laws and regulations in force and respect the rights of third parties, and comply with the provisions of the T&Us ;
Comply with the applicable Company’s Terms and Conditions of Services, which are available at (for companies and professionals) and (for individuals) ;
Comply with the Company’s Data Protection Policy, which is available at ;
Provide accurate information upon registration and update it when necessary ;
Use the Site and the Services in a responsible and adequate manner ;
Be responsible for the information shared through the Site.
The Users shall not:
Use false identities intended to deceive other Users ;
Collect Users’ content or information, or otherwise access the Site, using any kind of automated means without the Company’s authorization ;
Divert or attempt to divert any of the Site’s functionalities from its normal use ;
Publish contents of a slanderous, insulting, obscene, offending, violent character or violence-inciting nature, or of a political, racist or xenophobic nature, and generally, any contents which might be contrary to applicable laws and regulations or to public decency;
Commit any act intended to interrupt, suspend, slow down or prevent correct operation of the Site;
Use the Site for marketing purposes (junk mail, spam, pyramid schemes, chain letters, etc.);
Upload viruses or other malicious codes ;
Harass, abuse or harm another member, including sending unwelcomed communications and sharing harmful information to others through the Site ;
Share information that the User does not have the right to disclose;
Duplicate, license, sublicense, publish, broadcast, transmit, distribute, perform, display, sell, rebrand, or otherwise transfer information found on the Site unless expressly authorized by the Site;
Reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, decipher or otherwise attempt to derive the source code for any underlying intellectual property used to provide the services, or any part thereof;
Adapt, modify or create derivative works based on the Site or the Services, or other Users’ content, in whole or part;
Sell, sponsor, or otherwise monetize a Company’s Site or Service.
In case of a User’s breach these obligations, the Company reserves the right to suspend and/or terminate his/her account and/or to block his/her access to all or part of the Services, whether temporarily or definitively, without compensation.
The Company owns the Site, its technical components and its graphic, textual or other components, subject to the contents provided by the Users themselves. More specifically, both the Site and the Services are provided through software and databases, which belong to the Company, or over which it holds intellectual property rights.
The Company is therefore the sole holder of all intellectual property rights pertaining to the Site and the Services, the contents, the software and databases.
The Company grants the User a non-exclusive, personal and non-transferable license allowing him/her to use the Site and Services, strictly for personal purposes, and for the sole purposes of the use of the Site and Services.
Any other use of the Site and the Services is strictly prohibited without the Company’s prior and written authorization.
The User shall bear all costs related to the hardware and software needed to access the Site and use the Service. It is the User’s responsibility to take all precautions to protect his/her own data, computer systems and/or software from any contamination by possible viruses.
The User shall bear sole liability for the use made of the Service and the Site, and, more generally, for any use or operation made from his/her account and profile.
The User is responsible for all data and information concerning him/her which he/she has made available on line and for all contents provided by him/her, whether such data or contents are accessible and/or distributed to the public through one of the Site’s communication or exchange spaces or sent to any person by e-mail, or whether they are stored on his/its Personal space.
The User shall bear sole liability, with respect to the Company and, if applicable, to any third party, for any damages, whether direct or indirect, of any kind whatsoever, caused by any information or any other element of contents communicated, transmitted or distributed by the User while using the Site or the Services, as well as by any breach of these T&Us on his/her part.
The Company does not verify the veracity of the information provided by Users and rejects any liability related to the inaccuracy or illicitness of said information.
Under no circumstances shall the Company be held liable for the data, information and/or contents provided by a User, and for the errors or omissions they might include or for any damages resulting from the use of any contents provided by a User.
The Company cannot be held liable for any consequence that might occur in the course or upon completion of any contact or relationships made between Users as a result of the use of the Site and Services.
Due to the specific nature of the Internet network, access to the Site and the Services may be interrupted or restricted at any time, which is beyond the Company’s control. In such cases, the Company may not be held liable.
Under no circumstances shall the Company be held liable for any indirect damages or loss whatsoever, such as loss of revenue, profits, opportunity, clientele, or orders, damage to brand image, the loss, inaccuracy or corruption of files or loss of data, relating to the performance of the Services, even if the Company was informed of the possibility of said loss.
The Site may contain links to other websites that are not managed by the Company, and which are included for reference purposes only. The Company does not exercise any control over these websites nor is it responsible for their content.
The inclusion of links to other websites does not imply that the Company promotes, endorses, guarantees or recommends these sites. These links are only used as informative references, without any valuation of the content, ownership, services or products offered therein.
The conclusion, interpretation, and the validity of the present T&Us are governed by the French Laws. In the event of any discrepancy in their interpretation, the French version shall prevail over any other version in any other language.
Subject to applicable public-order provisions regarding the assignment of jurisdictions, the competent French Courts of Paris shall have exclusive jurisdiction regarding any litigation related to this present T&Us, including but not limited to any litigation regarding its validity, interpretation, execution and/or termination, and the consequences thereof.